Writing a dissertation is a significant milestone in academic life, requiring a combination of discipline, research skills, and effective writing techniques.
Whether you are a graduate student embarking on this journey or a researcher aiming to enhance your dissertation writing abilities, having access to valuable resources can greatly contribute to your success.
These books provide priceless advice from seasoned academics on anything from time management to understanding complex research procedures to overcoming procrastination.
They cover a wide range of subjects, such as performing in-depth studies of the literature, forming encouraging peer groups, using technology for research, drafting and editing your thesis, overcoming writing obstacles, properly formatting and style your dissertation, and much more.
Make these your study partners, and you’ll find your path to the desired PhD much easier to follow.
15 Books on How to Write a Dissertation
In this blog post, we have compiled a list of 15 outstanding books on how to write a dissertation that cover various aspects of the process, providing guidance, tips, and strategies to assist you in your PhD.
1. The Dissertation Journey
by Carol Roberts, Laura Hyatt
This guide serves as a comprehensive resource for developing and writing a quality dissertation. It provides updated coverage of conducting a literature review, utilizing technology for research, and using progress tracking tools.
The guide is filled with sample forms, resource lists, and other user-friendly elements, making the dissertation journey smoother and more manageable.
2. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
by Kate L. Turabian et al.
Turabian’s guide thoroughly explores the research and writing process, addressing each step with precision.
The book adeptly navigates Chicago’s two source citation styles and covers various aspects of editorial style, including quotations and visual material.
3. How to Write a Thesis
by Umberto Eco
Eco presents an invigorating approach to crafting a thesis. The book, which is divided into six key sections, examines every aspect of thesis writing.
It goes in-depth on how to define and comprehend a thesis, pick a topic that is interesting, do extensive research, make a work plan, write the paper itself, and edit the final draft.
Eco’s lucid style and practical advice make this book a valuable guide for any student.
4. Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day
by Joan Bolker
Bolker’s insightful book provides a much-needed support system for dissertation writers.
As a co-founder of the Harvard Writing Center, Bolker offers valuable tips and encouragement to help graduate students stay focused and productive.
She emphasizes the joy of immersing oneself in an engaging project and teaches strategies to overcome fear and improve writing style.
5. How to Finish Your Dissertation in Six Months
by Scott Rank
Rank’s guide offers practical strategies to complete a dissertation within a relatively short timeframe.
The book shares effective daily habits, tips on making consistent progress, managing incomplete research, leveraging advisor meetings, and seeking active help from friends.
It is a game-changer for those facing time constraints in their doctoral journey.
6. Authoring a PhD Thesis
by Patrick Dunleavy
The thorough book by Dunleavy provides helpful guidance on developing creative ideas, rationally organizing them, creating and revising text, and successfully finishing a dissertation.
It covers important aspects of the PhD journey, including facing exams and publishing work.
An essential resource for PhD candidates seeking to effectively manage their work and intellectual challenges.
7. How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing
by Paul J. Silvia
Silvia offers strategies to overcome common excuses and bad habits that hinder writing productivity.
His approach spans various academic disciplines and provides practical steps to motivate academics to become more prolific writers.
The book discusses how to write, submit, and revise academic work while promoting a balanced work-life approach to achieving writing goals. The second edition includes an additional chapter on writing grant and fellowship proposals.
8. The Dissertation Warrior
by Guy E. White
White’s book aims to inspire and guide doctoral students on their transformative journey. It addresses various aspects of dissertation writing and personal growth, focusing on efficient time management, aligning research and writing efforts, crafting an impactful introduction, and constructing a comprehensive literature review.
It serves as a valuable guide that connects academic perseverance with personal development.
9. Getting the Best of Your Dissertation: Practical Perspectives for Effective Research
by Dave Harris
Harris draws from multiple disciplines to provide a series of perspectives aimed at making the dissertation process more efficient and satisfying.
The book delves into integrating dissertation work into one’s life, developing a productive writing practice, managing relationships with professors, designing research, and more.
It offers a comprehensive guide for achieving greater value from your doctoral journey.
10. Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation
by Randy L. Joyner, William A. Rouse, Allan A. Glatthorn
This book serves as a well-rounded resource for scholars seeking guidance in every phase of their research journey.
It provides insights on utilizing new technologies, effective planning, engaging writing style, defense preparation, and more.
The updated fourth edition includes current case studies, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the teachings contained within.
11. How to Tame Your PhD
by Inger Mewburn
Dr. Mewburn, founder of The Thesis Whisperer blog, shares practical strategies for efficient research and writing based on her own doctoral journey.
The book consists of re-edited and expanded blog posts, offering a wealth of advice on completing a PhD effectively.
It is a companion guide that demystifies the PhD process and guides readers toward successful completion.
12. Writing for Social Scientists
by Howard S. Becker
Becker’s guide offers a refreshing take on academic writing, emphasizing the importance of simply starting to write and then revising.
It sheds light on peculiarities of academic writing, such as unnecessary wordiness and the passive voice, providing practical solutions to overcome them.
This book is a must-read for writers aiming to improve their style and efficiency in academic writing.
13. Demystifying Dissertation Writing
by Peg Boyle Single
Single’s guide provides a straightforward and systematic process for dissertation writing.
The book aims to enhance writing fluency and productivity, offering guidance on topic selection, planning, scheduling, and the actual writing process.
It is especially beneficial for those who feel they aren’t receiving enough guidance and for those seeking to increase their writing productivity.
14. The Elements of an Effective Dissertation and Thesis
by Raymond L. Calabrese
Calabrese offers a systematic guide to writing an impressive doctoral dissertation or a master’s thesis.
The book breaks down the elements of a dissertation, providing detailed descriptions, definitions, and examples.
The approach accommodates both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, helping students understand what content to include and where it fits best.
15. Dissertation Without Tears
by Natalya Androsova
In this empowering book, Androsova addresses the pressure and guilt associated with dissertation writing.
The book offers tips to find joy and fulfillment in the writing process, stressing the importance of self-compassion.
It debunks 58 myths about dissertation writing and replaces them with a healthy mindset that facilitates a smooth journey to completion.
These 15 books offer a wealth of knowledge and guidance to help you navigate the complex process of writing a dissertation.
Each book brings a unique perspective and set of strategies, allowing you to tailor your reading to your specific needs.
Remember, writing a dissertation requires patience, dedication, and perseverance. By immersing yourself in these valuable resources, you will be equipped with the tools necessary to tackle this academic endeavor successfully.
Happy reading and successful dissertation writing!